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11. Deyi Xiong, Qun Liu, and Shouxun Lin, Maximum Entropy Based Phrase Reordering Model for Statistical Machine Translation, The joint conference of the International Committee on Computational Linguistics and the Association for Computational Linguistics(COLING-ACL 2006), July 17-21 2006, Sydney, Australia, 2006,pdfpdf
12. Zhongjun He, Yang Liu, Deyi Xiong, Hongxu Hou, and Qun Liu, ICT System Description for the 2006 TC-STAR Run#2 SLT Evaluation, TC-STAR Evaluation Workshop, June,2006, Barcelona, Spain, 2006,pdfpdf
13. Hong Liu, Jintao Li, Yueliang Qian, Shouxun Lin, Qun Liu, Motion and Gray Based Automatic Road Segment Method MGARS in Urban Traffic Surveillance, The International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Pattern Analysis/Synthesis(IWICPAS2006), Aug. 2006, 85-94, Xi an, China, 2006,pdfpdf
14. Xiangdong Wang, Feng Xie, Shouxun Lin, Yuelian Qian, Qun Liu, DOE and ANOVA based Performance Influencing Factor Analysis for Evaluation of Speech Recognition Systems, The 5th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing(ISCSLP2006), Dec. 2006, Singapore, 2006,pdfpdf