2020 present Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PhD
2016-2020 Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Bachelor of Engineering
[ACL 2022] Shaolei Zhang, Yang Feng. Modeling Dual Read/Write Paths for Simultaneous Machine Translation.
[ACL 2022] Shaolei Zhang, Yang Feng. Reducing Position Bias in Simultaneous Machine Translation with Length-Aware Framework.
[ACL 2022] Shaolei Zhang, Yang Feng. Gaussian Multi-head Attention for Simultaneous Machine Translation.
[NAACL 2021] Shaolei Zhang, Yang Feng. ICT’s System for AutoSimTrans 2021: Robust Char-Level Simultaneous Translation.
[EMNLP 2021] Shaolei Zhang, Yang Feng. Universal Simultaneous Machine Translation with Mixture-of-Experts Wait-k Policy.
[EMNLP 2021] Shaolei Zhang, Yang Feng. Modeling Concentrated Cross-Attention for Neural Machine Translation with Gaussian Mixture Model.
[AAAI 2021] Shaolei Zhang, Yang Feng, Liangyou Li. Future-Guided Incremental Transformer for Simultaneous Translation.
Awards and Honors